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Women of a Certain StAGE

Celebrating Women Over 40 on Stage

To begin its 8th season of connecting, supporting and advocating for women in theater, the Connecticut Chapter of the LPTW will celebrate theater achievements of women over 40 at a special celebration Saturday, Sept. 23 at Westport Country Playhouse.

The afternoon will include readings of plays (Emmy-Award winning actress and Playwright Dorothy Lyman, a Chapter member, is part of the lineup), music (featuring the vocal artistry of LPTW President and cabaret entertainer Lynnie Godfrey) and Pianist Hilarie Moore and many featured guests, including Jacquelyn Reingold, founding member of Honor Roll! an advocacy and action group of women playwrights 40+. Morse guests will be announced.

Susan Cinoman directs the event. Lauren Yarger, of Gracewell Productions, will produce.

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